
Drawing above is taken from Google photo bucket.

Hi fellow bloggers,

Since i have been in this industry it has astounded me that there are many men out there that are suffering from Scoliosis and not aware that they are able to relief their symptoms & slow down the degeneration of the Scoliosis through having regular Remedial Massage and Myotherapy treatment from a professional thearpist.

There are no known cure for Scoliosis and it is mostly women that are diagnosis with Scoliosis, but men also suffer from Scoliosis.

To those that do not know what Scoliosis is, it is when the spine curvature is shape like a 'S' and causes neck pain, low back pain, mid-back pain and the list goes on. Because one side of the body is being over stretch due to the spine pulling the muscles and the other side is being shorten and so it cause unbalance with the muscles, tendons, ligaments within the body.

Regular stretching will help Scoliosis sufferers but regular Myotherapy is the key to keeping the body in balance and reduce the unbalance of the spine pulling the body to one side.

This article was brought to you by 'Precision Massage Clinic' located 1 minute walk from Bankstown Station.

Jade Tran :-)
